Mikey Kratzer
Solo TSP

Mike Kratzer has been at the Speed Project multiple times, always running in crews. This year, he decided to do a solo attempt. 500 Kilometers through the desert, from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. His goal: to arrive in Vegas in less than five days.

We join Mike on his long run through the desert. From sunrise to the dark of night, the morning breeze to the midday heat, from his highest highs to his lowest lows. We help him counting all his blisters and every bloody broken toenail. 

This article is updated regularly to keep you up to date with Mike’s race.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

After running 439km in four days, Mike decided to quit due to a painful Achilles inflammation.

“In the whirlwind of emotions and exhaustion, I faced a pivotal moment—a crossroad where the allure of completing the race clashed with the reality of my body’s limits. Despite the camaraderie and the sheer distance I’d covered—439 kilometers of highs and lows—I made a decision that might seem like failure to some, but to me, it was a different kind of success.

As the day drew to a close and my fellow runners faded into the distance, I couldn’t ignore the nagging voice within urging caution. It wasn’t just about enduring the physical pain; it was about safeguarding my health and preserving the possibility of future adventures.

I need not justify my decision to anyone but myself, yet for those who may question my resolve, I offer this: sometimes, the bravest act is knowing when to walk away, when to embrace the fragility of our mortal coil and safeguard it for the journeys yet to come. So, to those who find themselves teetering on the edge of their own finish line, I implore you—listen to the rhythm of your heart, for therein lies the true measure of victory.”